On 07Jun2015 08:20, Cecil Westerhof <ce...@decebal.nl> wrote:
There is no gain to get in standard Python? By switching from fnmatch
to re I got almost a speed gain of two. So I was wondering if I could
do more.

Maybe write a few versions: one really dumb using filename == matchstring (like -name foo), one using filename.startswith(matchstring) (like -name '*foo'), one using matchstring in filename (like -name '*foo*') and your current one. See how much these affect the runtime. You _will_ need to make multiple identical runs (OSes do lots of caching, and other processes competing for I/O or the CPU will also perturb things).

One the topic of multiple runs, have a look at the timeit module, psecificly designed for testing code with multiple runs.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

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