On Sat, Jun 27, 2015 at 6:38 PM, Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:
> I'm not a security expert. I'm not even a talented amateur. *Every time* I
> suggest that "X is secure", the security guy at work shoots me down in
> flames. But nicely, because I pay his wages <wink>

Just out of interest, is _anybody_ active in this thread an expert on
security? I certainly am not, which means that the proposal I'm
currently putting together probably has a whole bunch of
vulnerabilities that I haven't thought of. (Though there's no emphasis
on encryption anywhere, just signing. I'm *hoping* that RSA public key
verification is sufficient, but if it isn't, it would be possible for
a malicious user to make a serious mess of stuff.) But I'm under no
delusions. I don't say "this is secure" - all I'm saying is "this
works in proof-of-concept".


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