In a message of Sat, 27 Jun 2015 20:16:47 +1000, Chris Angelico writes:

>Okay, Johannes, NOW you're proving that you don't have a clue what
>you're talking about. D-K effect doesn't go away...

You need to read the paper again.  That was the whole point -- when
Kruger and Dunning went and taught the people at the bottom quadrile
some basic skill in the task being estimated, and taught people at
the top quadrile how poorly their peers were performing, their ability
to estimate how they would score relative to their peers improved
a whole lot.

But, of course, since these were academics studying students, they had
access to bottom-quadrile performers who actually wanted to learn and
improve.  In the real world, it is getting the bottom-performers to
even notice that they need improvement that may be the most difficult task.



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