Cliff Wells wrote:

> Well, I think this exposes one of the more interesting sides of open
> source software in general.  For better or worse, you get choices.  If
> you don't like choice, you won't like open source.  Many choices is
> sometimes great, sometimes annoying, but the bottom line is that very
> little is spoon-fed to you, and choice and flexibility are the primary
> reasons most people choose open source (this was the overwhelming
> verdict of a survey SuSE took a while ago).  You can't even *run* Linux
> without making a few basic choices (Which distro? Which architecture?
> Which GUI? etc).  If you really expect this to change then I expect
> there are many frustrating days ahead for you.  I think most end users
> of Linux wish that the GNOME and KDE teams would merge (and there would
> be a great benefit, I expect, in reduced duplication of effort), but
> quite frankly, it ain't gonna happen, and quite probably there would be
> a lot of downsides to such an event as well.

I agree with you.  And having choices is what is good, specially because
there is no single solution for all problems.

And I find it great to have this freedom to choose specially because not
everybody share the same aesthetics idea.  What some people find beautiful
I don't like and vice-versa.

Jorge Godoy      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


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