I need help writing a homework program. 

I'll write it, but I can't figure out how to incorporate what I have read in 
the book to work in code.

The assignment wants us to take a users first, middle and last name in a single 
input ( name=('enter your full name: )).

Then we must display the full name rearranged in Last, First Middle order. 

I tried to use the search function in Python to locate any spaces in the input. 
It spot back the index 5 (I used Craig Daniel Sirna)

That is correct for the first space, but I can't figure out how to get it to 
continue to the next space. 

The indexing process is also a bit confusingto me. 

I get that I can use len(fullName) to set the length of the index, and how the 
index is counted, but after that I'm lost. 

I have emailed my professor a few times, but haven't gotten a response.(online 

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


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