On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 12:57 PM, ryguy7272 <ryanshu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd like to install ALL Python packages on my machine.  Even if it takes up 
> 4-5GB, or more, I'd like to get everything, and then use it when I need it.  
> Now, I'd like to import packages, like numpy and pandas, but nothing will 
> install.  I figure, if I can just install everything, I can simply use it 
> when I need it, and if I don't need it, then I just won't use it.
> I know R offers this as an option.  I figure Python must allow it too.
> Any idea  how to grab everything?

pip install `wget https://pypi.python.org/simple/ -qO- |html2text`

Then figure out if there are any conflicts.

And make sure you stay up-to-date as packages get new versions released.

Good luck.


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