On 03/09/2015 23:20, Steve Burrus wrote:
Well I hjave certainly noted more than once that pip is cont ained in Python 3.4. But I 
am having the most extreme problems with simply typing "pip" into my command 
prompt and then getting back the normal information on pip! I have repeatedly downloaded 
[to my Desktop] that get-pip.py file then  ran it. I even downloaded that easy-install.py 
and ran that but to no success! I have all of the proper env. variables set. Can someone 
please help me?

As always my main and spare crystal balls are at the menders due to overwork, so I'll have to ask, what happened when you tried the 'pip', 'get-pip.py' and 'easy-install.py' commands? What OS are you on?

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


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