On 06/10/2015 16:31, Robin Becker wrote:

well it seems someone can build these extensions properly. I used Christoph
Gohlke's reportlab build and although there are 3 failures in the latest tests I
don't see any crashes etc etc and all the failures are explainable. Last thing I
saw from him in respect of pyRXPU was to use extra_compile_args=['/Od']. I will
try that in the reportlab extension builds and see if the problems go away.

I figured out the problem I was having with windows vs python3.5. It seems that something has changed in the way extensions are loaded when using imp to override the normal import mechanism.

The following code works OK for python 2.7, 3.3 & 3.4, but fails fairly catastrophically when used in a complex way (ie running reportlab's tests). Simple usage appears to work ie when I run one test.

My extension loading code looks like this

def __hack__():
    import sys, os, importlib, imp
    if sys.modules['reportlab'].__path__[0].lower()!=r'c:\code\reportlab': 
    from distutils.util import get_platform

    archname = get_platform()

_p0=r'c:\repos\reportlab\build\lib.%s-%d.%d' % (archname,sys.version_info[0],sys.version_info[1]) _p1=r'c:\repos\pyRXP\build\lib.%s-%d.%d' % (archname,sys.version_info[0],sys.version_info[1])
    def find_override(name):
        if name in _overrides and os.path.isdir(_overrides[name]):
            fpd = imp.find_module(name.split('.')[-1],[_overrides[name]])
                    return imp.load_module(name,fpd[0],fpd[1],fpd[2])
                if fpd[0]: fpd[0].close()

    class RLImporter(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.module = None

        def find_module(self, name, path=None):
            m = find_override(name)
            if m:
                m.__loader__ = self
                self.module = m
                return self

        def load_module(self, name):
            if not self.module:
                raise ImportError("Unable to load module %s" % name)
            sys.modules[name] = m = self.module
            self.module = None
            return m
    sys.meta_path.insert(0, RLImporter())
del __hack__

My guess is that it's not cool any more to use imp.load_module repeatedly or that the hack of passing the found module about using a temporary attribute is not a good idea.

The intent of the above code is to allow me to build extensions for multiple pythons in a single area under c:\repos\reportlab\build and allow loading of those with different python versions. I don't want to pollute my repository with different extensions so prefer to keep them in the build area (and they change very slowly compared to the python code).

Is there some simple sample code that can be used as a model for this. I've tried looking at the importlib docs and my brain is bursting. I also looked at http://chimera.labs.oreilly.com/books/1230000000393/ch10.html, but that seems all about normal python models/packages.

I think importlib has split the loading of extensions into a different method, and there seem to be assertions about re-using an existing loader.
Robin Becker


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