On 08/10/2015 10:26, Robin Becker wrote:
On 06/10/2015 16:31, Robin Becker wrote:

well it seems someone can build these extensions properly. I used Christoph
Gohlke's reportlab build and although there are 3 failures in the latest tests I
don't see any crashes etc etc and all the failures are explainable. Last thing I
saw from him in respect of pyRXPU was to use extra_compile_args=['/Od']. I will
try that in the reportlab extension builds and see if the problems go away.

I figured out the problem I was having with windows vs python3.5. It seems that
something has changed in the way extensions are loaded when using imp to
override the normal import mechanism.
I managed to fix up my c-extension loading code so it works for pythons 2.7, 3.3, 3.4 & 3.5.

Horrid details can be found here


Robin Becker


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