On 10/26/2015 9:55 AM, Peter Otten wrote:

The "bug" or misfeature is that idle automatically adds the working
directory to sys.path.

I am not sure what you mean by 'working directory' here. When one runs a program with 'python somepath/file.py', python prepends somepath to sys.path.

Ideally the editor should see the unaltered path

I don't know what you mean here.  The editor does not look as sys.path.

while scripts started from within idle might be allowed to import from the
working directory.

Programs run from the editor are intended to run as much as possible the same as if run from a command line. To do this, IDLE must prepend somepath to sys.path the same as python itself does. As a result, if somepath/file.py contains

import sys

then when run, sys.path  starts with os.abspath(somepath).

Terry Jan Reedy


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