On 02/11/2015 06:16, Tim Golden wrote:
> On 02/11/2015 00:08, Daniel Joffe wrote:
>> WinXP...32 bits...professional
>> I keep getting message
>> note also that there is no place on the install box to start...you just
>> click somewhere, and the install started.
> I'm afraid you've been bitten by the fact that we no longer support
> Windows XP and haven't communicated this very well. We have a new
> version of the installer almost ready for release which indicates this
> much earlier (and more obviously). I'm afraid if you're on XP you're
> limited to Python 3.4 and earlier, all of which are perfectly usable I'm
> happy to say!

Sorry, I omitted to say that you can download the latest Python 3.4 from




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