Christian Gollwitzer <> wrote:

> > How can I implement such a get_paste() function?
> > I need a non-blocking getkey() function.
> > It must work on Windows and Linux.
> Non-blocking I/O from the commandline is OS specific. There are 
> different solutions, and it's usually hacky (stty on Linux, Console API 
> on Windows)

A "if windows (...) else linux (...)" solution is ok, I have such
distinction already at several places in my code.

Do you have example code for non-blocking I/O?

> Why do you not use a proper GUI toolkit to do this? 

it is too complicated to rewrite my application from CLI to GUI.
But... is there a windows program with which one can select files and the
result is written to STDOUT?
Then I could use pipe open in my Python program.

> The standard terminal on Windows is very ugly, can't resize the width,
> and pasting works only if you right-click -> paste.

You can also use drag&drop. This is ok for my users.

Ullrich Horlacher              Server und Virtualisierung
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