Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:

> >> The limitation is that this will not work if any of the file names
> >> contain astral (non-BMP) chars because tk cannot handle such characters.
> > 
> > What are "astral chars"?
> Unicode characters beyond U+FFFF.

I see, for very exotic character sets, like Klingon, etc :-)
In my case, I can simple ignore them.

> Unicode covers the entire range of code points (informally characters, don't
> worry about the technical difference) from U+0000 to U+10FFFF. The part
> following the "U+" is the numeric ordinal value, written in hexadecimal.

That was my knowledge so far.

> Some older versions of Unicode only included 2**16 == 65536 distinct
> characters, but many years ago Unicode was extended far beyond that number.
> But the first 65536 characters are called the "Basic Multilingual Plane".
> All the rest are in the "Supplementary Multilingual Planes", which being a
> mouthful to say and write, often gets abbreviated as "astral planes". Hence
> the characters themselves are called "astral characters".

And this was new to me. Learned :-)

Ullrich Horlacher              Server und Virtualisierung
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