vostrus...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a file with one parameter per line:
> a1
> b1
> c1
> a2
> b2
> c2
> a3
> b3
> c3
> ...
> The parameters are lines of characters (not numbers)
> I need to load it to 2D array for further manipulations.
> So far I managed to upload this file into 1D array:
> ParametersRaw = []

No need for this assignment as you throw the value away.
> with open(file1) as fh:
>     ParametersRaw = fh.readlines()
> fh.close()

The with open() ... statement already ensures that the file is closed.

> NumberOfColumns = 7
> NumberOfRows = len(ParametersRaw)/NumberOfColumns
> Parameters = [[],[]]
> i=0
> j=0
> k=0
> while (i < NumberOfRows):
>     while (j < NumberOfColumns):
>         k = (i*NumberOfColumns)+j
>         Parameters[i][j] = ParametersRaw[k]

The inner lists Parameters[i] are empty so every assignment

Parameters[i][k] = ...

will fail. While the minimal fix is to use append()


you will run into the same problem with the rows if there are more than the 
two you prepared for in the line

> Parameters = [[],[]]

>         j = j + 1
>     i = i + 1
>     j = 0
> it fails at the line "Parameters[i][j] = ParametersRaw[k]" with error:
> IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
> In case of populating 1D array I would use append() method.
> But in case of 2D I am lost of how append() can be applied.
> Could some one help newbie.

As a general remark in idiomatic Python the loop

i = 0
while i < THRESHOLD:
   i = i + 1

is written as a for loop with range():

for i in range(THRESHOLD):

For your specific problem list slicing is a good approach:

with open(file1) as f:
    parameters_raw = f.readlines()

parameters = []
for row_start in range(0, len(parameters_raw), COLUMNS):



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