Thank you all.
Here is the last piece of code that caused me so much troubles but now working 
the way I wanted it: 

        fRawData = []
        with open(fStagingFile2) as fStagingFile2FH:
                fRawData = [line.strip() for line in 
fStagingFile2FH.readlines()]         # #### This is to read each element from 
the file and chop off the end of line character
        fNumberOfColumns = 7
        fNumberOfRows = len(fRawData)/fNumberOfColumns

        fRowID = 0
        fParameters = []
        for fRowID in range(0, len(fRawData), fNumberOfColumns):
 # #### This is to convert 1D array to 2D

    # #### ... and down below section is an example of how to read each element 
of the list
    # #### and how to update it if I need so. That was also a problem before.
        fRowID = 0
        fColumnID = 0
        for fRowID in range(fNumberOfRows):
                for fColumnID in range(fNumberOfColumns):
                        if fColumnID == 0:
                                fParameters[fRowID][fColumnID] = "XXXX"
                        Message2Log("fParameters[" + str(fRowID) + "][" + 
str(fColumnID) + "] = " + str(fParameters[fRowID][fColumnID]))


On Saturday, November 21, 2015 at 4:52:35 PM UTC+1, Nathan Hilterbrand wrote:
> On 11/21/2015 10:26 AM, BartC wrote:
> > On 21/11/2015 10:41, wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> I have a file with one parameter per line:
> >> a1
> >> b1
> >> c1
> >> a2
> >> b2
> >> c2
> >> a3
> >> b3
> >> c3
> >> ...
> >> The parameters are lines of characters (not numbers)
> >>
> >> I need to load it to 2D array for further manipulations.
> >> So far I managed to upload this file into 1D array:
> >>
> >> ParametersRaw = []
> >> with open(file1) as fh:
> >>      ParametersRaw = fh.readlines()
> >> fh.close()
> >
> > I tried this code based on yours:
> >
> > with open("input") as fh:
> >     lines=fh.readlines()
> >
> > rows = len(lines)//3
> >
> > params=[]
> > index=0
> >
> > for row in range(rows):
> >     params.append([lines[index],lines[index+1],lines[index+2]])
> >     index += 3
> >
> > for row in range(rows):
> >     print (row,":",params[row])
> >
> > For the exact input you gave, it produced this output:
> >
> > 0 : ['a1\n', 'b1\n', 'c1\n']
> > 1 : ['a2\n', 'b2\n', 'c2\n']
> > 2 : ['a3\n', 'b3\n', 'c3\n']
> >
> > Probably you'd want to get rid of those \n characters. (I don't know 
> > how off-hand as I'm not often write in Python.)
> >
> > The last bit could also be written:
> >
> > for param in params:
> >     print (params)
> >
> > but I needed the row index.
> >
> To get rid of the '\n' (lineend) characters:
> with open(file1) as fh:
>      ParametersRaw = [line.strip() for line in fh.readlines()]
> or, more succinctly..
>   with open(file1) as fh:
>       ParametersRaw = [line.strip() for line in fh]
> Comprehensions are your friend.
> Nathan

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