Hello Thomas,

On 19/12/15 18:32, Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn wrote:
> (and you should seriously
> consider upgrading Windows or even better, to switch to a real operating
> system, like GNU/Linux

On 20/12/15 08:28, Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn wrote:
> Anyhow, *I* was not intending to start an OS flame war,

Really? Specifically telling someone that their OS of choice is "not a real operating system" (without any sort of justification) is not intending to start an OS flame war? Of course that's what you intended to do. The answer to "Python does not work in this way for me" should *never* be "change your operating system".

FWIW, I can see that you do indeed have something to add to these discussions but unfortunately you seem to also feel the need to provoke a reaction from people. As a result, anything of value you impart - and there IS something there - gets lost in the noise.

If you could just bring yourself to offer your expertise without making direct value judgements on other people's choices, preferences and ability compared to your own, I think your voice would be listened to a lot more and things would be a whole lot easier.

This is just friendly advice - I am not _insisting_ that you do anything you do not wish to ;)


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