On 12/20/2015 4:54 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:

> Want to run CPython 3.6 on Windows?
> Go hunt down a compiler, fiddle around with it, and see if
you can get everything to work.

No, much easier. Essentially the same steps as below after
following the instructions in the devguide to get the 2015 compiler.

Want to run CPython 3.6 on a Debian system? It's probably as simple as:

$ sudo apt-get build-dep python3

I think the equivalent step for windows come later.

$ sudo apt-get install mercurial

OK, harder, hunt for Windows hg installer, or TortoiseHg if one likes GUIs front ends as I do. Also get svn.

$ hg clone https://hg.python.org/cpython

Essentially same.

$ cd cpython

cd cpython/pcbuild

$ make

external.bat # for dependencies, which is where svn is needed.

I forget command line invocation to build python itself. I use Explorer and doubleclick python?.sln and the file association starts Visual Studio.. There is a windows make.bat for doc building. This all works much better than a few years ago. Many thanks for final tweaks to Zach Ware.

Want to try out that interesting-looking patch off the bug tracker?
Same as the above, plus one little 'patch' command to apply the patch.

Ditto for Windows.

I'm not going to force anyone to abandon Windows, but freedom does
benefit even people who don't directly exercise it, so I would still
encourage people to consider a culture of freedom.

We have free-as-in-beer Python on Windows *because* people were free, in both senses, to develop it on *nix.

Terry Jan Reedy


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