On Fri, 1 Jan 2016 05:18 am, otaksoftspamt...@gmail.com wrote:

> I need to check a string over which I have no control for the first 2
> non-white space characters (which should be '[{').
> The string would ideally be: '[{...' but could also be something like
> '  [  {  ....'.
> Best to use re and how? Something else?

This should work, and be very fast, for moderately-sized strings:

def starts_with_brackets(the_string):
    the_string = the_string.replace(" ", "")
    return the_string.startswith("[}")

It might be a bit slow for huge strings (tens of millions of characters),
but for short strings it will be fine.

Alternatively, use a regex:

import re
regex = re.compile(r' *\[ *\{')

if regex.match(the_string):
    print("string starts with [{ as expected")
    raise ValueError("invalid string")

This will probably be slower for small strings, but faster for HUGE strings
(tens of millions of characters). But I expect it will be fast enough.

It is simple enough to skip tabs as well as spaces. Easiest way is to match
on any whitespace:

regex = re.compile(r'\w*\[\w*\{')



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