"Chris Angelico" wrote in message news:captjjmr162+k4lzefpxrur6wxrhxbr-_wkrclldyr7kst+k...@mail.gmail.com...

On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 8:13 PM, Frank Millman <fr...@chagford.com> wrote:
> Run the database handler in a separate thread. Use a queue.Queue to send
> requests to the handler. Use an asyncio.Queue to send results back to > the
> caller, which can call 'await q.get()'.
> I ran a quick test and it seems to work. What do you think?

My gut feeling is that any queue can block at either get or put ....

H'mm, I will have to think about that one, and figure out how to create a worst-case scenario. I will report back on that.

The other risk is that the wrong result will be queried (two async
tasks put something onto the queue - which one gets the first
result?), which could either be coped with by simple sequencing (maybe
this happens automatically, although I'd prefer a
mathematically-provable result to "it seems to work"), or by wrapping
the whole thing up in a function/class.

I *think* I have this one covered. When the caller makes a request, it creates an instance of an asyncio.Queue, and includes it with the request. The db handler uses this queue to send the result back.

Do you see any problem with this?



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