"Frank Millman"  wrote in message news:n8et0d$hem$1...@ger.gmane.org...

I have read the other messages, and I can see that there are some clever ideas there. However, having found something that seems to work and that I feel comfortable with, I plan to run with this for the time being.

A quick update.

Now that I am starting to understand this a bit better, I found it very easy to turn my concept into an Asynchronous Iterator.

class AsyncCursor:
   def __init__(self, loop, sql):
       self.return_queue = asyncio.Queue()
       request_queue.put((self.return_queue, loop, sql))

   async def __aiter__(self):
       return self

   async def __anext__(self):
       row = await self.return_queue.get()
       if row is not None:
           return row
           raise StopAsyncIteration

The caller can use it like this -

   sql = 'SELECT ...'
   cur = AsyncCursor(loop, sql)
   async for row in cur:
       print('got', row)



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