On Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 7:42 AM, Fillmore <fillmore_rem...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I actually have a few followup question.
> - will iNotebook also work in Python 3?

You mean the IPython notebook? Yep!

> - What version of Python 3 do you recommend I install on Windows?

The latest stable - currently, that's 3.5.

> - Is Python 3 available also for CygWin?

I'l let someone else answer that.

> - I use Ubuntu at home. Will I be able to install Python 3 with apt-get?
> will I need to uninstall previous versions?

You should be able to simply "apt-get install python3" and get
whichever release your Ubuntu is shipping. It might be 3.4 or 3.3, but
it's unlikely to be older than that.

> - Is there a good IDE that can be used for debugging? all free IDEs for Perl
> suck and it would be awesome if Python was better than that.

Debugging Python code is generally easy enough without an IDE; any
time something goes wrong, you get an exception with a very pretty
traceback. That's usually enough on its own. A little bit of editor
integration can help you jump to the lines mentioned, in the same way
that you might get that with C compiler errors; that's all I've ever


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