On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 2:42 PM, Fillmore <fillmore_rem...@hotmail.com>
> I actually have a few followup question.

> - will iNotebook also work in Python 3?
Yes!  And just FYI, it's called they Jupyter Notebook now, but pretty much
everyone still (colloquially) calls it the IPython Notebook so you're in
good company.  When you're searching online, you should search for Jupyter
though, or you might get obsolete docs.

> - What version of Python 3 do you recommend I install on Windows?
Might as well go for Python 3.5.

> [snip questions I don't know the answer to]
> - Is there a good IDE that can be used for debugging? all free IDEs for
Perl suck and it would be awesome if Python was better than that.
PyCharm is a really good IDE.  You can use the community edition for free
as long as it's for open source projects or your company makes less than $1
million a year.  For bigger projects I use PyCharm, but it's not bad to use
just a plain text editor either.  If your company is making $1 million a
year, presumably they can afford the license fees.  Download link:


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