Hi all

It is easy enough to set up a task to run in the background every 10 seconds using asyncio -

   async def background_task():
       while True:
           await perform_task()
           await asyncio.sleep(10)


When shutting the main program down, I want to stop the task, but I cannot figure out how to stop it cleanly - i.e. wait until it has finished the current task and possibly performed some cleanup, before continuing.

   async def background_task():
       await perform_setup()
       while condition:
           await perform_task()
           await asyncio.sleep(10)
       await perform_cleanup()

Previously I would run the task in another thread, then set a flag to tell it to stop, then join() the thread which would block until the task had finished. I used threading.Event as the flag, which allows it to 'sleep' using wait() with a timeout value, but reacts instantly when set() is called, so it was ideal.

Is there a way to achieve this using asyncio?


Frank Millman


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