"Marko Rauhamaa"  wrote in message news:87lh6ys052....@elektro.pacujo.net...

"Frank Millman" <fr...@chagford.com>:

> When shutting the main program down, I want to stop the task, but I
> cannot figure out how to stop it cleanly - i.e. wait until it has
> finished the current task and possibly performed some cleanup, before
> continuing.

Here (and really, only here) is where asyncio shows its superiority over
threads: you can multiplex.

You should

   await asyncio.wait(..., return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)

to deal with multiple alternative stimuli.

Thanks, Marko, that works very well.

It took me a while to get it working, because I initiate shutting down the program from another thread. Eventually I figured out that I could put all my event loop shutdown procedures into a coroutine, and then call asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe() from the main thread.

Now I just have one problem left. I will keep experimenting, but if someone gives me a hint in the meantime it will be appreciated.

I run my background task like this -

   stop_task = False

   async def background_task():
       while not stop_task:
           await perform_task()
           await asyncio.sleep(10)

I stop the task by setting stop_task to True. It works, but it waits for the 10-second sleep to expire before it is actioned.

With threading, I could set up a threading.Event(), call evt.wait(timeout=10) to run the loop, and evt.set() to stop it. It stopped instantly.

Is there an equivalent in asyncio?




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