On 28.02.2016 19:47, mm0fmf wrote:
I'm no C# expert but I inherited the support of some C# projects. One uses a form to hold the UI objects. When the program is loaded in VS, you see the form and you can drag and drop objects to the form and edit the object properties (text, font, colours etc.). The result of your visual work is rendered in the C# source with some code folding options. If you don't click the folds in the editor you don't get to see that the form editor generates the C# code you need to call to generate the objects. There are suitable comments through the generated code warning you not to edit it as it is regenerated etc.

The result is you use a visual tool to generate the boiler plate code. Knowing MS tools I'd be very suprised if the same idea is not used in VB. Somewhere there will be a text file with the VB boilerplate code to generate the form.
The VB 6 setup was different. GUI editor, IDE and runtime were tightly integrated. In VB 6, you don't see such boiler plate code. You only see the form, the textual representation of the form and the code that you enter into the event handlers etc. The form is then rendered by the VB runtime. But what you outlined for C# is probably the way that the ideal Python GUI editor would go. When you think about how a RAD tool could look like and how to integrate with IDEs, you automatically come to such a setup with comments as markers/separators for the automatically generated code.



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