On 2/27/2016 10:13 AM, wrong.addres...@gmail.com wrote:
On Saturday, 27 February 2016 18:08:36 UTC+2, Dietmar Schwertberger  wrote:
On 27.02.2016 12:18, wrong.addres...@gmail.com wrote:
Isn't there any good GUI IDE like Visual Basic? I hope there are some less well 
known GUI IDEs which I did not come across. Thanks.

As of today, there's no Python GUI builder comparable to VB 6.

Thanks for stating this clearly. Everyone here has been trying to show me 
various ways to do the kind of things I will want to, but nobody clearly admits 
the limitations I will have to accept if I start with Python.

I am starting to wonder if VB.net would be a better solution for the time 
being. I have learnt enough VB.net to manage my work but it is bloated and 
Microsoft dependent.

There are some like QtDesigner or wxGlade, but they either don't
generate Python code directly or they can only be used if you know the
underlying toolkit good enough to create the GUI yourself. You may try
out some, but I can almost guarantee you that you will come to the same
If you want a GUI, create it yourself using either wxPython or PyQt.

I will check it. I got the impression that you can create a GUI but that has to 
be converted to Python, and then you need a wrapper to put these forms in, and 
then they can be compiled or converted to *.exe with py2exe. Not a good way for 

For engineering applications that's probably the weakest point that
Python has.
It's holding back a lot of people...

Well, for most measurement or control software a GUI is not really
needed, but still people want it.

In the 1980s everyone was happy with inputs from the command line on a line 
editor, but today people expect GUIs with graphics and often even animations.
It is surprising that a language which seems very popular does not have GUI 
development infrastructure in place these many years after it got into common 


FWIW, I have a lot of VB6 experience, and while I was reluctant to do it I did write some VB.NET programs and I have to say, MS did a good job with the VS IDE, of course they spent a lot of money on it. I'm learning Python to see if I want to do AI/ML work with it because I don't want to use Azure, but I'm going to keep using VB6 and VB.NET for desktop programs where development time and a GUI is needed, just my preference based on my experience.


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