Rustom Mody <>:

> On Monday, February 29, 2016 at 11:48:25 AM UTC+5:30, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
>> Gordon Levi :
>> > Nobody likes filling in forms but how do you suggest converting a form
>> > based app into something loveable.
>> Straight HTML does forms just fine without CSS or JavaScript, yet few
>> can resist.
> Abjure JS/CSS is a virtue? Why?

I have used some minute amounts of CSS when I have wanted to pay
attention to the aesthetics (<URL:>).

However, then the point is conveying/exchanging info, straight HTML is
all that is needed: <URL:>.

As for why you should avoid JS/CSS, Web pages open very slowly, jump
around wildly during rendering and have unexpected artifacts (not to
mention the numerous data collection abuses) when they are encumbered
with truckloads of state-of-the-art web dev gimmicks.


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