Den måndag 29 februari 2016 kl. 14:57:04 UTC+1 skrev
> Den måndag 29 februari 2016 kl. 14:45:37 UTC+1 skrev
> > I have a problem programming uniform networks, "x nodes with y links" that 
> > turn out to be really hairy to solve for me and i feel i really lack the 
> > programming features 
> > 
> > "Actually i program in javascript" but the problem seem general for all 
> > programming languages including Pyhton.
> > 
> > For a beautiful solution it would require "If in list/array return boolean" 
> > "If not in list/array return boolean". 
> > 
> > But there is no such feature Python nor Javascript, so instead i set 
> > boolean value "inlist" to false and loop thru, to see if it is already in 
> > list. If not it is added to list. 
> > 
> > So if the current node i generate links for is x and i try to generate a 
> > link to  node z, and z's links exhausted i will add it to exhausted list.
> > 
> > And if there is node-x exhausted entries in list, well then script should 
> > break because it will lock into a cycle. The cyclic lockup is due to only a 
> > subset of the networks on the form (links*deep)+1=nodes is possible.
> > 
> > So what i need is to know howto write "if list/array ***empty*** do 
> > {something}"
> > 
> > I sure know howto check if an array have 1 element 2,3,4 but how do you 
> > check for empty.
> > 
> > I think it is crazy that you can not do general comparissons of the type 
> > If in list/array
> > If not in list/array
> > 
> > But it is even more crazy that you can not check if list/array is empty, 
> > that is just madness.
> I mean for for example Javascript
> if (typeof array[index] !== 'undefined' && array[index] !== null) {
> or this one
> if (array[index] != null) {
> I mean how do they come up with such convoluted syntax, do they pull it out 
> of ass? Well one can always say it is needed because undefined not equal to 
> null.
> But would not if (array[index]==empty) suffice and be alot clearer?

Sorry but would not if (array==empty) suffice and be alot clearer?

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