Running flake8 over some code which has if statements with multiple
conditions like this:

    if (some_condition and
        some_other_condition and

the tool complains that the indentation of the conditions is the same
as the next block.  In this particular case, the overall conditions
are too long to string together on a single line. I tried placing a
second space after the if keyword:

    if  (some_condition and
         some_other_condition and

which solves the matching indentation problem, but creates a multiple
spaces after keyword problem.  My guess is that adding a space after
the open paren would provoke a message as well.

I use GNU Emacs as my text editor, and its python mode.  I'm pretty
happy with everything (been using it in its current state for several
years).  Aside from manually or configure-ologically suppressing E129,
is there a better way to break lines I'm missing which will make
flake8 happy?



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