> class C:
>     def method(self):
>         if (result is None
>                 or self.some_condition()
>                 or len(some_sequence) > 100
>                 or some_other_condition
>                 or page_count < 5
>             ):
>             do_processing()
> Looks fine to me.
Looks nice to me too.  But...

$ cat > t.py
class C:
    def method(self):
        if (result is None
                or self.some_condition()
                or len(some_sequence) > 100
                or some_other_condition
                or page_count < 5

$ pep8 t.py
t.py:4:17: W503 line break before binary operator
t.py:5:17: W503 line break before binary operator
t.py:6:17: W503 line break before binary operator
t.py:7:17: W503 line break before binary operator
t.py:8:5: E125 continuation line with same indent as next logical line

pep8.py is toooo strict.

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