On 06/19/2016 08:14 AM, Michael Torrie wrote:
On 06/19/2016 09:01 AM, Ethan Furman wrote:
On 06/19/2016 04:56 AM, Joonas Liik wrote:
On 18 June 2016 at 23:47, Ethan Furman wrote:
On 06/18/2016 07:05 AM, Joonas Liik wrote:

the leading dot does not resolve the ambiguity that arises from:

with ob_a:
       with ob_b:
           .attr_c = 42 # which object are we modifying right now?

The innermost one.  Why would it be anything else?

What if ob_b does not have attribute attr_c but ob_a does?

Good question.  I would say that _only_ the innermost with object is
searched, and if it doesn't have the requested attribute an
AttributeError is raised.  Otherwise, as you say, it could be a
nightmare to maintain.

But that wouldn't work either because it would make it impossible to
*set* attributes on an object.

Sure it would, just like any 'this_thing.whatever = 9' works just fine if 'this_thing' doesn't already a `whatever` attribute.

The only thing that would change is being able to omit the 'this_thing' portion; if you want to access an earlier 'with' obj, then you must be explicit:

  with ob_a:
     with ob_b:
        ob_a.whatever = 9
        .something_else = 10

Python's dynamic nature just doesn't lend itself to this kind of ambiguity.

This is no more ambiguous than any other nested structure and, in some cases, even simpler.



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