On 25/07/2016 01:40, Gregory Ewing wrote:
BartC wrote:

So I still think it's fragile, meaning you have to take a lot of extra

The practical experience of a very large number of Python
programmers suggests that it requires very little additional
care over and above that normally required for programming.

What's your experience? How often has this caused you trouble,
and what proportion is it of all the Python programming you've

I've done little Python coding but still, having to use kid gloves for indents does figure quite a bit in that.

I can give some more examples but I'll probably be told that I'm using the wrong tools! Which suggest there is a problem, but the effort has gone into working around them using external tools. (But understandable if the language design was fixed 25 years ago.)

For example:

if cond:

I want to comment out the if statement temporarily, but I also have to fix the indents:

#if cond:

(Or add the comment and insert a dummy 'if 1:'.)

Or I want to add a temporary condition around:


which again requires me to indent those statements (and unindent them again later). Or I want to permanently have a commented out #if guard around some code:

#if cond:

to be uncommented from time to time (to do with debugging). But it's not as simple as just uncommenting that one line.

Or I want to have a temporary print statement within a block, but it needs to be at the right indentation. Not a great imposition, but it's now less visible as a temporary addition.

Or I need to move or copy code from one location to another, but the indentation levels are different. This would need fixing in other languages too, but if this is part of a temporary try out which will change again a few minutes later, I can dispense with the correct indentation in another language, until the code is more permanent.

In short, because correct indentation is required at all times, it's less flexible when you want to do a lot of messing around.

Now, if I was going to do a LOT of Python coding, then I would solve most of those problems (by having my own tool to superimpose a more amenable syntax on the language). For casual work though I have to go along with the indent scheme. (And there are usually other issues with Python that are more troublesome than getting the layout right.)

I'll leave you with a code fragment that might be pasted from elsewhere (it's not meant to mean anything):

if cond:

The question is: is this the whole block? We don't know, as we can't see what came next. But if now I add the next line, and it was this (anything actually with one less indent):

if cond2:

then yes it was the whole block, IF we assume an indent didn't get clobbered in the process! But if the line happened to be:


now we know for sure.


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