On 2016-08-14 19:40, Atri Mahapatra wrote:
On Monday, 15 August 2016 00:03:59 UTC+5:30, MRAB  wrote:
On 2016-08-14 19:17, Atri Mahapatra wrote:
> I have a list of dictionaries which look like this:
> [{'Width': 100, 'Length': 20.0, 'Object': 'Object1'}, {'Width': 12.0, 
'Length': 40.0, 'Object': 'Object2'}...... so on till 10]
> I would like to find the first index in the list of dictionaries whose length 
is greater than a particular value
> f=lambda seq, m: [ii for ii in range(0, len(seq)) if seq[ii]['Length'] > 
m][0] and it throws an error
> can  anyone suggest a way  to do it?
What is the error?

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#12>", line 1, in <module>
    f(lengthlist, 10)
   f=lambda seq, m: [ii for ii in range(0, len(seq)) if seq[ii] > m][0]
TypeError: unorderable types: dict() > int()

That's not the same code as your original post.

Your original post has:

    seq[ii]['Length'] > m

which is correct, but your traceback shows:

    seq[ii] > m

which tries to compare the entire dict to m, hence the exception.


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