Cholo Lennon wrote, on February 23, 2017 7:58 AM
> On 02/20/2017 07:56 PM, Deborah Swanson wrote:
> > Basically, I now have quite a few Python programs I use frequently, 
> > and as time goes on my collection and uses of it will grow. 
> Right now 
> > I just want a way to select which one I'd like to run and 
> run it. I'd 
> > like it to be a standalone application and some sort of system of 
> > categories would be nice.
> Well, there are a lot of possibilities (the amount of responses shows 
> that), but in this situation I'd simply create a Windows shortcut for 
> every python script. Later, shortcuts can be put in a folder (or in 
> start menu folder)
> If the script has no screen input/output I'd edit the shortcut and 
> prefix the script pathname with pythonw.exe (to avoid the empty 
> console). Also I'd add the python path if it is not in the 
> user/system 
> PATH or if you have multiple python installations)
> Regards
> -- 
> Cholo Lennon
> Bs.As.

Those are all good ideas, as was your first post, and I'm saving them to
my project folder. I'd prefer to get a launcher that's already written,
but I might end up rolling my own.


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