Michael Torrie wrote, on February 23, 2017 7:43 AM
> On 2017-02-22 09:49 PM, Deborah Swanson wrote:
> > Didn't even look. Visual Studio has always been pricey, and it never

> > occurred to me that they might have a free or cheap version now.
> You can get the full edition of Visual Studio, called Visual Studio 
> Community Edition for free.  They still offer Visual Studio Express,
> I think they recommend the full community edition to most people now. 
> The biggest downside to the VS Community Edition is that it has to
> home and log in to MS's developer web site from time to time to stay 
> active.  Sigh. MS almost gets it, but not quite.

Another free version of Visual Studio, wonders never cease!

As for it phoning home, I won't use it for long, and then I might not
ever use it again. Wonder what value they think this has, other than
giving them a nosecount of how many active copies there are at any given


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