> -----Original Message-----
> From: Deborah Swanson [mailto:pyt...@deborahswanson.net] 
> Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 8:57 AM
> To: 'Paul Moore'
> Subject: RE: How to install Python package from source on Windows
> I'm sorry people on the list somehow got the idea I was 
> asking for help with this. Originally I only asked how to 
> build recordclass from source, and apparently I made the 
> mistake of chiming in with my experiences with Anaconda3, 
> Python 3.4.3, on XP SP2, when the conversation turned to 
> Python's use of Visual C++ and Visual Studio in the 
> installation of new builds. I thought you might find my 
> experiences interesting, but at no point did I ask for help 
> that I'm aware of. If I did somehow give that impression it 
> was a miscommunication with no intentional asking for help. 
> Any attempts to "fix" my setup only destabilize my system and 
> make something worse. What I have works to run Python code in 
> PyCharm, and until I get a Linux system up and running I have 
> no intention of messing anymore with what I've got. And I 
> certainly don't appreciate all the insinuations that I'm 
> stupid or lazy. I'm simply caught in a precarious situation 
> that I'm making the best of. 3.4.3 was the last Anaconda 
> build of Python that would install on XP SP2 at all, and it 
> came with no guarantees. I suspect it was my expertise with 
> XP SP2 that I cajoled a successful installation out of it and 
> it was tricky to get that to run in PyCharm.
> My strong suspicion is that the reason I'm actually seeing 
> failed attempts to install Visual C++ and Visual Studio 2015 
> while none of you others are seeing any use of Visual 
> C++/Studio is because it shows up in my tracebacks when it 
> fails. In an XP SP3 or later Windows these minor 
> installations would succeed and the user would never know 
> they occurred, or perhaps they aren't even needed on later 
> versions of Windows. Unfortunately I didn't keep my 
> tracebacks, having thought that they were no longer of any 
> interest to the group at the time I had them, and I'm 
> unwilling to destabilize my system and risk any further loss 
> of functionality in any more attempts to reproduce them. 
> Anaconda3 and XP SP2 do no get along well. I will be more 
> than happy to run any experiments and recreations you please 
> after I have Python 3.6 running well in Linux. But until then 
> I need to go on surviving with what I've got.
> I hope I am being perfectly clear now. But I certainly wasn't 
> willing to go up against an angry mob intent on "helping" me 
> or satisfying their curiosity at my my expense (or whatever 
> they wanted), when I neither wanted nor needed (nor was aware 
> of any explicit request for) any help. It is what it is, and 
> I'm progressing just fine with what I've got.
> Deborah
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Python-list
> > [mailto:python-list-bounces+python=deborahswanson.net@python.o
> > rg] On Behalf Of Paul Moore
> > Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 2:43 AM
> > To: python-list@python.org
> > Subject: Re: How to install Python package from source on Windows
> > 
> > 
> > On Thursday, 25 May 2017 22:32:56 UTC+1, Deborah Swanson  wrote:
> > > This is my last reply on this thread to anything to do with XP SP2
> > > (observations in XP SP3 do not apply) or Visual Studio. 
> > I've answered
> > > all of the questions, some of them multiple times. Please
> > reread the
> > > thread if you have more questions.
> > 
> > You have repeatedly stated "Python attempts to install Visual
> > Studio" but have never provided a log showing that, or any 
> > evidence that we could use to help understand why this is happening.
> > 
> > Everyone here has repeatedly pointed out that Python
> > shouldn't ever do what you're saying it does, and various 
> > people have stated that they've tested and confirmed this is 
> > the case. Sometimes they've used systems other than the 
> > version of XP that you have, but that's not (as far as anyone 
> > can tell) relevant. Nevertheless, you've dismissed these 
> > demonstrations - often with claims of "XP Bashing" which I've 
> > seen no evidence of in this thread.
> > 
> > It seems to me that your Python installation has somehow
> > ended up being configured in a non-standard manner (I'm 
> > bending over backwards here to avoid triggering a "you're 
> > bashing XP" reaction here - the point is I'm not blaming 
> > anyone or anything, merely stating that there is a 
> > demonstrable difference in behaviour between your setup and 
> > the standard build). In order to help you fix this, we need 
> > more details, along the lines of:
> > 
> > 1. Where did you get your version of Python (I believe you
> > mentioned Anaconda)? 2. Have any changes that you can recall 
> > been made to it? 3. What precisely do you type that triggers 
> > Python to try to install Visual Studio? 4. What precisely is 
> > shown on the screen (by Python or anything else that might 
> > display diagnostic output that would help)?
> > 
> > It's certainly possible that you've described some or all of
> > this information in the thread here. But it's a long thread, 
> > and to help those of us trying to assist, who don't really 
> > have time to read everything in the (long, and pretty 
> > argumentative) thread, it would be very much appreciated if 
> > you could summarise all in one consolidated reply.
> > 
> > Or you could just assume that we're not interested in helping
> > you and/or we have some sort of axe to grind about your system :-(
> > 
> > Paul
> > --
> > https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
> > 


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