pozz wrote:

> I know I can load multiple gettext.translation:
>    it = gettext.translation('test', localedir="locale", languages=["it"])
>    es = gettext.translation('test', localedir="locale", languages=["es"])
> and install one translation at run-time when I want at a later time
> (when the user selects a new language):
>    it.install()
> or
>    es.install()
> However the problem is that strings already translated are not
> translated again when a new translation is installed.  So they stay at
> the language selected during start-up and don't change after a new
> install().
> One solution is to restart the application, but I think there's a better
> and more elegant solution.

You need a way to defer the translation until the string is actually used.
The documentation has a few ideas


and here's another one -- perform the translation in the __str__ method of
a custom class:

import gettext

class DeferredTranslation:
    def __init__(self, message):
        self.message = message
    def __str__(self):
        translate = _
        if translate is DeferredTranslation:
            return self.message
        return translate(self.message)
    def install(class_):
        import builtins
        builtins._ = class_


message = _("Hello, world!")

it = gettext.translation("test", localedir="locale", languages=["it"])
es = gettext.translation("test", localedir="locale", languages=["es"]) 

for language in [it, es]:


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