
I'm not 100% sure what you are trying to do.. so let me throw out a few things 
I do and see if that helps...

If you are trying to run a bunch of similar tests on something, changing only 
(or mostly) in the parameters passed, you can use self.subTest().

Like this:

Def test_this(self):
    For i in range(10):
        with self.subTest('test number %s) % i):
            self.assertTrue(I <= 5)

With the subTest() method, if anything within that subTest fails, it won't stop 
the process and will continue with the next step.

If you are trying to run a single test at the end of your run to see if 
something messed something up (say, corrupted a file or something), you can, 
(at least with the default unittest) name your test something like 
test_zzz_do_this_at_end, and unless you have over-ridden how the tests are 
being handled (or are using a different testing environment), unittest should 
run it last (of the ones in that TestCase class).

"Note that the order in which the various test cases will be run is determined 
by sorting the test function names with respect to the built-in ordering for 


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