On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 11:02 PM, Dan Strohl <d.str...@f5.com> wrote:

> Like this:
> Def test_this(self):
>     For i in range(10):
>         with self.subTest('test number %s) % i):
>             self.assertTrue(I <= 5)
> With the subTest() method, if anything within that subTest fails, it won't
> stop the process and will continue with the next step.

Thanks for reading my email and yes you got it right , I am adding bunch of
same subtest and all are similar and sub test that change only  differ in

But I can’t use the loop that you have mentioned because I want to achieve
(1) and (2)

(1) I would want my subtest to have  a *Condition* based on which it  that
would pass my entire test  if any of the sub-test passed.

Example :

def test_this(self):

      if Sub_test_1():

    #passes  then  PASS the  Complete test  i.e. test_this() and  If
sub_test_1() fail then run further subtest!)

     elif run sub_test_2() :

     #Then PASS test_this() and  don't run  next test i.e
sub_test_3(),sub_test_4() etc)

     elif run sub_test_3()

     if sub_test_3()

     #  Then pass  test_this() and  don't run next test  i.e. sub_test_4()
,sub_test_5(). etc)

def test_this_1(self):

       if Sub_test_1():

      #passes  then  PASS the  Complete test  i.e. test_this1()  and  If
sub_test_1() fail then run further subtest!)

     elif run sub_test_2() :

     #Then PASS test_this_1() and  don't run  next test i.e
sub_test_3,sub_test_4 etc)

     elif run sub_test_3()

     if sub_test_3()

     #  Then pass  test_this_1() and  don't run next test  i.e. sub_test_4
,sub_test_5.. etc)

def test_this_2(self):

    if Sub_test_1():

    #passes  then  PASS the  Complete test  i.e.  test_this3()  and  If
Sub_test_1() fail then run further subtest!)

     elif run sub_test_2() :

     #Then PASS test_this() and  don't run  next test i.e
sub_test_3,sub_test_4 etc)

     elif run sub_test_3()

     if sub_test_3()

     #  Then pass  test_this() and  don't run next test  i.e. sub_test_4
,sub_test_5.. etc)

(1)In general  don’t want to fail the test if any sub test fails but
continue  with next subtest and PASS the test  if any one of fails

(2)  Also , I wanted to know if it’s ok Warn and continue , instead of
failing  , but I wanted to see if there is assert to warn

29     def test_corruption1(self):

 30         """Run test no 1 """

 31         #


 33         if not library.log_message_is_reported(self.report,

 34                                                self.blocks['test01']):

 35             print "Warning: Reporting Failed.... \n"


 37         if not library.is_corruption_fixed():

 38             print "Warning: Corruption is not fixed .... \n"


 40         if not library.is_corruption_reparied():

 41             assert False, "Corruption not reported,fixed and auto


Let me know if it isn't clear I can give you more examples , Thanks for


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