On Fri, 8 Sep 2017 10:50 pm, Larry Martell wrote:

> If python 2 ever
> is not available I guess then they will have to find the time and
> money.

Python 2 is open source, it will always be available so long as we still have
computers capable of running present day software.

(Presumably by the year 3000 nobody will still be able to run Linux or
Windows... but few companies plan their activities a thousand years in

Grab a VM of your OS and Python 2, and you'll be able to run it forever. You
just won't get free support or security upgrades. (And eventually, you won't
even get *paid* support.)

I know of a couple of companies still running Python 1.5 apps. They work,
they're not connected to the Internet, they don't care about bug fixes or
security upgrades, so they have no reason to upgrade.

But they're sure not writing *new* apps in Python 1.5.

“Cheer up,” they said, “things could be worse.” So I cheered up, and sure
enough, things got worse.


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