On 09/20/2017 09:24 AM, Chris Warrick wrote:
On 20 September 2017 at 17:16, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

And if wxPython had been part of the stdlib, it would have meant Python
3 would have been delayed years until wxPython had been ported -- or
wxPython would have been pulled from the stdlib and something else put in
its place...

         So no help to those migrating.

If wxPython had been part of the stdlib, there would be much more
manpower to port it to 3.

How do you figure? The available manpower is what it took to get Python 3 itself out when it came out; adding another project as large as wxPython would not magically make it so the same target dates were hit -- it's not like we have core-devs sitting idly by waiting for something to do.


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