On Thu, 5 Oct 2017 12:41 am, Ian Kelly wrote:

> Python has the simplest named constants of all:
> C = 12345
> As long as you don't subsequently change it, it's a constant. And it's
> very simple because it works just like any other variable.

I do feel that the lack of constants[1] is a (mild) weakness of Python. In
small projects, if you want a constant:

pi = 3.1415

and you don't want to change it, it is easy enough to remember to just not
change it. Especially if you follow a naming convention like using ALLCAPS
for constants.

But in large projects, especially those where you cannot trust every module in
the project to obey the naming convention, I can see that this lack might
contribute to the perception, if not the fact, of Python being a bit too
unsafe for big projects. We have read-only attributes in classes, but not
read-only names in modules. That makes me a little bit sad.

Back in the day when I used Pascal regularly, I recall having the compiler
complain when I accidentally tried to assign a new value to a constant. But I
was a much less experienced coder back then. In all honesty, I can't remember
the last time I accidentally reassigned to something intended as a constant.

Nevertheless, constants are a safety net I would appreciate.

[1] By which I mean names which can only be bound once, but not rebound. This
is not about mutability, it is about whether or not the name can be rebound.

“Cheer up,” they said, “things could be worse.” So I cheered up, and sure
enough, things got worse.


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