Stefan Ram wrote:
   One might wish to implement a small language with these commands:
Explain why. What is the advantage?

F - move forward
B - move backward
L - larger stepsize
S - smaller stepsize

   . One could start with the following pseudocode for a dictionary:

{ 'F': lambda: myturtle.forward( s ),
   'B': lambda: myturtle.backward( s ),
   'L': lambda: global s; s *= 2,
   'S': lambda: global s; s /= 2 }

   . But lambda-expressions cannot contain statements.

   In real Python one could write something like (untested):

def f():
     myturtle.forward( s )

def b():
     myturtle.backward( s )

def l():
     global siz
     size *= 2

def s():
     global siz
     size /= 2

{ 'F': f,
   'B': b,
   'L': l,
   'S': s }

   . Is this more readable or less readable?

   Any other suggestions?


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