On 11/10/2017 14:16, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:

C++'s main problem is that it tries to solve the wrong problem. A C++
compiler seeks to make sure your program doesn't have bugs. That noble
(but futile) goal makes it painful to program in C++.

It's painful to program for lots of reasons, I don't think that is the main one.

The ideas behind C++'s many features individually make perfectly good sense - on paper. Until you look at ghastly examples of C++ source code and it really hurts your eyes.

Python and C don't try to protect you. In return, you get syntactic
convenience that probably enhances the quality of your programs.

Python, maybe. C syntax isn't as painful as C++ but I still have a lot of trouble with it. (Eg. the variable declaration 'char(*(*x[3])())[5]'. The name of the variable can be found lurking in that lot somewhere, but what's the type?) Not so convenient.



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