Op 22-10-2017 om 14:05 schreef Tim Chase:

> I'm not sure what "version control is required" means in this
> context.  Is this version-control of the users' answers? Or
> version-control of the source code.  If it's the source code, the web
> framework won't help you there, but git, mercurial, or subversion are
> all good/reasonable choices.  If you want to version your user's
> answers or other aspects of your application, you'll need to design
> it into your app.  There might be plugins/modules to facilitate this
> on either side of the Django / Flask/Bottle/SQLAlchemy divide.

The version control I was referring to, is indeed users' data. I plan to use Mercurial for the source code. The questionnaires being developed will go through many revisions. The questionnaires being filled in, are enough work to have a provision for mistakes. The idea is much like the "revert" option that MoinMoin and other wikis provide.


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