On Sat, 28 Oct 2017 16:20:54 -0700, Στέφανος Σωφρονίου wrote:

> I do believe though that if (!d) is a lot clearer than if (d == NULL)
> as it is safer than falsely assigning NULL in d, by pure mistake.

Having made my living writing C code for a very long time, I always
found if (!d) *harder* to read, especially if it happened to be written
if(!d) without the space, because it was never a single character name
the ! disappeared into the noise.  OTOH, = vs. == always stuck out like
a sore thumb.  Then again, I grew up with monochrome terminals
vs. unusably slow syntax highlighting, and grayscale printers (and we
had to live in a small shoebox in the middle of the road).

YMMV.  Obviously.



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