On Wednesday, November 1, 2017 at 9:14:05 PM UTC, Alexey Muranov wrote:
> Hello,
> what do you think about the idea of replacing "`else`" with "`then`" in 
> the contexts of `for` and `try`?
> It seems clear that it should be rather "then" than "else."  Compare 
> also "try ... then ... finally" with "try ... else ... finally".
> Currently, with "else", it is almost impossible to guess the meaning 
> without looking into the documentation.
> Off course, it should not be changed in Python 3, maybe in Python 4 or 
> 5, but in Python 3 `then` could be an alias of `else` in these contexts.
> Alexey.

It has been discussed before.  I believe the chances of it ever happening are 
roughly zero.

There's a good write up on the subject here 

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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