On 2017-12-23 19:44, G Yu wrote:
My program has two circles: one stationary circle, drawn at a random location; 
and one moving circle, consistently drawn in the same place in the graphics 

The moving circle moves towards the stationary one.  However, when the moving 
circle hits the stationary one (when the x-coordinates of the circles' centers 
are equal), I want the moving circle to stop moving and then disappear.

I tried the command acircle.getCenter() to determine when the centers are equal, but it 
doesn't work; I suspect because the centers are never truly equal, and only come within 
something like .000001 pixels of each other.  So to account for the approximation, I used 
the math function "isclose":

move_moving_circle = True

     while move_moving_circle:
         moving_circle.move(P_to_R/P_to_E, E_to_R/P_to_E)

         if isclose(moving_circle.getCenter(), stationary_circle.getCenter(), 
rel_tol=1e-4, abs_tol=0.0):
             move_moving_circle= False

             move_moving_circle = True

But this doesn't work.  Apparently isclose can't be applied to points - only 
floating-point decimals.

So now, I want to convert the output of "acircle.getCenter()" to Cartesian 
(x,y) coordinates for both circles.  Then I can use the two circle centers' x-coordinates 
in the if statement.

Currently, acircle.getCenter() outputs this:

<graphics.Point object at 0x0000013E0D263668>
<graphics.Point object at 0x0000013E0D263B00>

I don't understand/can't use the format that the locations are printed in.

How do I convert the above format to "usable" Cartesian coordinates?  Or is 
there a simpler way to solve this problem?

You didn't say what graphics library you're using, but from a quick search on the internet I think the answer is to use the .getX and .getY methods of the Point object. You could calculate the distance between the 2 points, which is sqrt((x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2). You can speed it up a little by omitting the sqrt and just remember that you're working with the square of the distance.

Another point: why do they need to be so close to each other? Personally, I'd just say they collide when round(distance) < 1 or round(distance ** 2) < 1.

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