On 2017-12-23 21:30, G Yu wrote:
I did try that.  The problem is that I already declared a point 
moving_object_center = (-555,-555), because that's the point I used as the 
center to draw the moving_object circle itself.  So the 
moving_object_center.getX() will return -555 no matter what I do.

But your code has:

    moving_circle.move(P_to_R/P_to_E, E_to_R/P_to_E)

so won't that move the circle and change what:



That's why I need to calculate the center using some attribute of the circle, 
not the center point - because the circle moves, but the point that I declared 
as the initial center point will never change.

The initial point won't change, but that's just where the circle was originally.

Are you sure that it doesn't change? Have you printed out moving_circle.getCenter().getX() and moving_circle.getCenter().getY() and seen that they aren't changing?

I'm not totally sure what you mean by "graphics library", but these are all the 
import statements I'm using at the beginning.

from graphics import *
import datetime
import random
from math import *

As far as I know, "graphics" isn't part of the standard CPython distribution from www.python.org. At least, I have CPython 3.6 for Windows, and "graphics" doesn't appear to be present.

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