Mike Schilling wrote:
> I see a difference between "X would be useful for A, B, and C" and "Y will 
> always be the only proper way."
> Don't you?

Y would not be useful because of the bandwidth it consumes, the malware 
it would introduce, the additional time spent focusing on the format 
rather than quality of the content and, frankly, because it's useless. 
As Rich already said, if one wants to look at neatly formatted content, 
one can always visit the web. Usenet is meant to be an 
information-sharing facility, and I cannot see *any* reason why it 
should be exposed to all the disadvantages stated in numerous places in 
thread to gain a pale "advantage" such as flashy content. We already 
have a World Wide Web, no need to make Usenet it's clone.

-- Denis


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